Tuesday 26 February 2013



So here is the the project I have been pulling my hair out about since we got back from the Christmas hols! and FINALLY..well sort of finally... the hard bits all done! It was a big group project so we each contributed with bits each, mine included the front and back cover, illustrated shoot and article about travel and culture. We're getting the magazine sent off to be printed professionally so hopefully I'll have a hard copy soon but for now, here are my spreads in digital form....VOILA.. BEHOLD...SHAZAAM...BOOOOMM!
LAYOUT FOR IMAGES working doc.indd

LAYOUT FOR IMAGES working doc.indd
-- Big thank you to the beauitful Helena Lester-Card and Dan Loveridge for being amazing models --

ARTICLE LAYOUT editedworkingdoc.indd

ARTICLE LAYOUT editedworkingdoc.indd

ARTICLE LAYOUT editedworkingdoc.indd
-- AND big thanks to my lovely friend Hattie for sharing her travelling stories with me --

Usually with projects I start off really excited and looking forward to doing work and I'm really proud of my work but then as the weeks go by and you're staring at the same project for hours on end I start to lose the will to live and by deadline day, I'm usually at the point where I never EVER want to see any of my work EVER again. However, this time was strangely different! I've been really motivated lately and I was actually kinda proud of myself. ANYWAY that's enough, I still have 2 projects on the go and I'm pretty sure they're going to be the ones I want to set fire to in the coming weeks!

Peace x


  1. this looks incredible! you're so talented!

